

Busy Week

Posted by Matt Gorham on Nov 28 2016 at 08:15PM PST

1. We have a match at Brentwood Academy Tuesday, 11-29. Weigh-in at 4:00. You do not have to be on weight. All middle school wrestlers 5th grade and up will have matches. Owen, Matthew, Brooks, Justin F, Ski, Conner, Joey, Calvin, Thomas, Austin, Ben, Andy, Carlyle, Ryan, Sean, William, Gabe, Brock, Andrew, Justin B, Max, Fen.

2. Practice Wednesday, 11-30, has been moved from 5:30 to 6:30. Father Ryan has a match vs Overton that pushed us back. This is for both Middle School and Club Crumbsnatchers. Club will go from 6:30-7:30, Middle School from 6:30-8:00.

3. Thursday December 1 we have a match vs Dickson County. The match is at Dickson County and the weigh-in time is 4:30. You must make weight. Going are 76-Brody, 83-Owen, 91-Ski, 99-Calvin, 106-Ben, 119-Ryan, 125-Sean, 131-Gabe, 141-Brock, 185-Justin and Max, 225-Fen

4. Saturday we have a tournament at Baylor. The Raider Rumble starts at 10:00. It usually ends around 2:00. Times are EASTERN. You should be able to leave Nashville at 5:45 Central Time and arrive in time to warm up. There will be no weigh-in on site. Going are: Owen W, Matthew B, Justin F, Ski, Conner C, Austin W, William M, Gabe F, Max F, Justin B.

5. Sunday we have a tournament in Huntington Indiana. We will Leave from Father Ryan on a Bus at 11:00 Saturday. We should be back around 9:00pm Sunday. Going, with the weights they need to make in a singlet, are 56-Simon M, Colton C,
61-Joe C, 66-Casen R, 71- Brody G, 76-Jackson M, Colton R, 86-Samuel G, 91-Joey T, Older Calvin, 96-Calvin E, 101-Thomas W, 106-Ben M, 113- Hunter B, 121, Sean P, Ryan K, 129 -Andrew Y, 137-Brock H, 151-Andrew N, 175-Parker B.
We will have room for 1 parent per wrestler to ride the bus if desired. We are staying at the Comfort Inn, Huntington Indiana. 12 rooms are reserved and room assignments will be discussed before the trip.

Please contact Coach Matt with concerns. 615-319-3038 or email at